
Holiday Safety and Security

The Holiday season is officially here. With the hustle and bustle of the season, comes the increase of safety and security needs.

Residential Security 

There are two things to watch out for this holiday season, the Grinch (aka Porch Pirates, and good ol’ robbers). Now, here’s the difference between the two: The Grinch works with the matter of convenience. An unattended package is a potential payday for the Grinch. Porch Pirates require little planning, it’s the convenience factor, if they see an unattended package, regardless of if they know what it is or not, they’ll go for it, hoping for something good. Meanwhile, robbers tend to be a little more planned out in their decision making. They’re not looking for the ‘potential payday’ they’re looking for the real thing. They’re watching your home, determining your schedule, and planning their ‘attack.’

The Grinch

With the pandemic ravaging the planet, the Grinch is in full swing this year. According to C & R Research, 43% of Americans said they’ve had a package stolen by a porch pirate in 2020. That number has grown significantly in the last few years, mainly due to the fact that most shopping is now done online because of lockdowns and quarantines.

The Grinch can wander (or drive) by your house, and chances are, be able to see what kind and how many packages you may have lying around. The best way to stop the Grinch in his tracks, a video doorbell. 


Robberies & Personal Larceny

According to the National Crime Victimization Survey (NCVS), two specific types of crime increase in December: robbery and personal larceny. These two crimes increase by approximately 20 percent. Now let me tell you, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, screams I HAVE A NEW 75 INCH TV, like having your 75’ tv box next to your recycling bin at the end of the drive…

Did you know the purpose of recycling bins are to actually hold your cardboard boxes? But that would require you to break down that tv box instead of just leaving it whole. Unlike porch pirates, robbers are watching your home, they know your schedule, and they see the shiny new electronics you keep bringing into your home from those top notch holiday sales, they also see that video doorbell and know they can’t just go through the front doors or windows. For these guys, you’ll need a fully functioning security system (Qolsys), video surveillance system (Alibi) OR let us design the perfect system with your needs in mind!

Commercial Fire…

Maxed out production line, and inventory overflowing? Could only mean one thing… It’s the holiday shopping season. The hustle and bustle of the holiday season is in full swing, and just like everyone else your production line is maxed out, as is your credit card.

NFPA research shows that warehouse fires happen at a frequent rate with an average of 1,410 warehouse fires, two deaths, 20 injuries, and an estimated $159.4 million in direct property damage annually. In these demanding times, make sure your building is protected. A warehouse fire at this time of year could cause irreparable damage. Having a properly working fire alarm system is crucial to your building outlasting these holiday overhauls, learn more here: about fire safety, and what we can do to protect your building from fire damage.

… & Security

Now that we’ve chatted about fire safety, let’s chat about who’s in your building at all times, don’t know? You should probably fix that. Unfortunately, there are not a huge number of statistics regarding warehouse theft, but a google search will show you just how prevalent they are. The majority of these thefts come from internal employees. It’s crucial to ensure that your inventory is properly tracked at all times, to ensure the lowest amount of loss.

A professionally installed surveillance system adjoined by an access control system, can ensure everyone who is in the building is accounted for, and everyone who is not supposed to be in the building is kept out. Restricting entry with an access control system, allows you to monitor who is in the building at all times. If employee theft is happening, you’ll be able to pinpoint exactly who was in the building after your last inventory check, and compare it to your next inventory check. 

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